
Request information on services and boats directly on our website: fill in the form below to send your message! We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Discover all boats

Find the dinghy that best suits your needs and have a memorable experience with Flag! Our skippers are ready to accompany you to discover the most beautiful beaches on the emerald coast.

Ready to go?

Jump aboard our boats! If you wish to book your trip to discover the emerald coast, simply let us know when and with which dinghy: we will immediately notify you of availability.

You can find us here

Invia richiesta di prenotazione

Compila i campi sottostanti per inviare la tua richiesta; provvederemo a risponderti al più presto.

A quale gommone sei interessato?
Scegli la data di tuo interesse

Send reservation request

Please fill in the fields below to submit your request; we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Which dinghy are you interested in?
Choose the date of your interest

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We will reply to you within the day.

The staff of Flag Sardinia


Flag Sardinia è a disposizione!

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